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Showing posts from February, 2017

Crested Caracara

Crested Caracara Sightings near Picacho Peak (Feb.17th) Thanks to a Facebook Group I learned that a number of crested caracaras  make their home in an agricultural area called Santa Cruz Flats.  The caracara is a vulture-like falcon, more resident in Latin America, Southern Texas and South Florida than Arizona.  This location may be its northern-most range. I was thrilled to photograph one in a field in the extreme northeast of this area, close to Picacho Peak State Park, thanks to some specific advice from some local birders.  This was close to the intersection of E. Baumgartner and S. Wheeler Roads. Please note the farms are private property.  The following are some photos of my outing, with captions. Fallow cotton field among many irrigated fields in the area. Great blue heron in between two fields. Pecan trees seem to border the farms. First caracara sighting. Cropped shot. I suspect they're growing alfalfa. Extremely cr...

Neighborhood Cardinal

A male northern cardinal I photographed in the neighborhood February 19th. We had received quite a bit of rain the previous night and that morning, so his brilliant red color stood out against the tree's green canopy and the gray morning sky. He was singing beautifully the whole 10 minutes I photographed him.  If he was calling a mate, I never saw her.  I don't think there is a more beautiful bird in our desert.

Weekend Birds

Some new additions to my photographic collection Female common merganser,  Granada Park, Phoenix.   (There were two females, no males. It's my first time photographing this beauty.) Male northern shoveler, one of hundreds, Willow Lake, Prescott. Male vermilion flycatcher,  Adobe Golf Course, Phoenix. Female vermilion flycatcher, Adobe Golf Course, Phoenix