I've seen a bald eagle in Glendale before. In fact the last time I visited the city's recharge ponds in the spring, it was easy to spot one perched on a utility pole shortly after I started walking along the complex's eastern border. But during last week's visit, I amazingly encountered one of the raptors before I had even parked my car. Lying a mile east of the gigantic football stadium that the Arizona Cardinals call home, the Glendale recharge ponds are formally called the New River - Agua Fria Underground Water Storage Project (NAUSP). Within a grid of six basins, water is collected for seepage and storage into a natural underground aquifer. This precious resource arrives via canals from the Salt and Verde Rivers, and also from the Colorado River via the Central Arizona Project. Additionally, sewer water arrives from the cities of Glendale and Peoria after being treated. The Salt River Project utility manages this vast engineering endeavor. ...
I'm an Arizonan that enjoys the outdoors through traveling, hiking, mountain biking, snorkeling, photography and just looking out my window.