Like no other colors, red and green define the year-end holiday season. Pine trees and evergreen branches adorned with big, bright red bows best represent the omnipresent color scheme. Indeed it's everywhere, from the Christmas trees in our living rooms to the garland hanging from street lamps in our crowded parking lots. And don't forget poinsettias, the colorful, tropical potted plants that even before Thanksgiving crowd our supermarket shelves screaming, "I'm the best gift for everyone!" My Phoenix garden is trying to show its holiday spirit in a couple of ways, especially through my firestick plants. Normally the euphorbia - an ornamental landscape succulent native to Africa - is colored Kelly green, but during the coldest times of year, its branches glow red. At the moment, one of my bougainvillea plants - a torch glow variety - is sporting clusters of tight, magenta leaves. Inside my house, a Christmas cactus bloomed two weeks ago and is now sta...
I'm an Arizonan that enjoys the outdoors through traveling, hiking, mountain biking, snorkeling, photography and just looking out my window.