I wanted to think I had arrived in an Eden, an unspoiled wilderness, untouched by the hand of man or by any other unworthy fate. Wasn't that what Costa Rica promised me in the firsthand accounts of all my friends' trips there? Of course they rattled on about the ziplining, the whitewater rafting, the surfing, and the biking, all things not interesting to me. But I was hearing something else in these stories: the forests, the waterfalls, the nature trails, and the extraordinary wildlife. Indeed I soon discovered my bucket list awaiting me in Arenal National Park. But my experience there also taught me that the reality of Costa Rica's natural history owed a lot to acts of God, and often to human drama. The first hotel I booked on my Costa Rica trip was the Arenal Observatory Lodge. Unlike on my trip's four other legs, the demand was so high that I needed a reservation six months in advance. The hotel billed itself as the only one within Arenal Vol...
I'm an Arizonan that enjoys the outdoors through traveling, hiking, mountain biking, snorkeling, photography and just looking out my window.