It was one of the easiest parks to reach on my eight-day trip to Costa Rica. Even though it's bordered by the main highway on the country's Pacific Coast, I nonetheless missed the entrance the morning I visited Carara National Park and then had to turn my rental car around in heavy traffic. A guide solicited me as I slowly drove through the open gate but I waived him off; I preferred to get my bearings and explore the visitor center first. However besides restrooms and an attendant to check my reservation, there was very little information displayed about the park. I had become accustomed to at least snapping a photo of placards with trail maps but the only one posted showed surprisingly little detail. I was visiting Carara on my last full day in Costa Rica. It was my very last park and my last chance to see some birds that had mostly eluded me. Namely scarlet macaws were on my list, but so too were trogons. I had seen a pair of the macaws...
I'm an Arizonan that enjoys the outdoors through traveling, hiking, mountain biking, snorkeling, photography and just looking out my window.